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The Strong Interest Inventory

I am pleased to offer the well-known Strong Interest Inventory to clients.

The Strong assessment can help you and your coach answer questions, such as:


*  What choice of college major will lead to career success?

Where do I start my career search after college?

*  Are there jobs out there I might like better than what I do now?

*  What kinds of work can I do, now that I've lost my job?

*  How can I make my current job more interesting?

​* How could I get paid to do things I now do for fun?

* What can I do after I retire?


The Strong measures your interest in occupations and roles, not your abilities.

Strong Certified Logo (CMYK)_edited_edit

The Strong catalog includes assessments for all ages, including high-school teens, college students, and adults.

We've listed a few of the popular reports below. You'll see how there is a basic report and then reports with add-ons.

There are even reports that combine the MBTI and the Strong assessments.

Please note the pricing below is for the assessment only and does not include interpretation time.

Some people do their own interpretations; some hire me; others have their own coach.


Strong Interest Inventory® Profile Report (284108)

This personalized 9-page report details your specific interests and preferences, and links them to various jobs, work settings, and career fields. It can help you expand your career options and chart an action plan toward a fulfilling career.

  • Age: 14+  Time to complete: 30 minutes

  • Price $40



​Strong Interest Inventory® + Interpretive Report (284104)

Includes the base report plus an extra 10-page report that offers a more in-depth interpretation of your results.

  • Price: $60




​​Strong Interest Inventory® Profile Report + Skills Confidence Profile Report (284154)

This report adds a measure of your confidence [Skills Confidence Inventory (SCI)] to the base report.

The SCI helps you understand how self-assurance may influence your occupational, educational, and leisure choices.

  • Price $45



Strong Interest Inventory® Profile Report + Skills Confidence Profile Report + Strong Interpretive Report (284230)

This report includes the Interpretive Report, which builds on the Strong Profile by applying key learnings to create a richly textured road map for exploring and pursuing a rewarding life of work and leisure.

  • Price $75




High School Edition - Strong Interest Inventory® Profile Report (284105

High school students face many important life decisions. This 11-page report assists them as they build their future.


  • Helps students explore various fields of study, volunteer or summer job opportunities, and a wide range of work environments.

  • Summarizes occupations and educational programs linked to their interests.

  • Incorporates their personal work, learning, leadership, team participation, and risk-taking style preferences.

  • Age: 14+  Time to complete: 30 minutes

  • Price:  $40



School Edition - Strong Interest Inventory® Profile Report + Interpretive Report (284210)

Expands on the High School Edition Strong Profile report;  offers  more in-depth information.


  • Includes more detailed information on students interest areas.

  • Includes information on the typical work tasks associated with their potentially most satisfying occupations and the knowledge, skills, and abilities required for success.

  • Offers more specific suggestions on their preferred work environments.

  • Price: $55




I have not listed the College version of these reports. If interested in any of those, please contact me.


Assessments must be paid for in advance, as Getstart-ed must purchase the assessments from the Myers-Briggs Foundation.

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